Author name: Keshab Chakraborty

Five Simple Tips to conquer procrastination and get what you want- if implemented can seriously up your game.

If you’re looking for ways to beat laziness, avoid procrastination, then read this article. But one request ! Don’t just read and get busy with life. At least pick up one tip that you’ll start practicing today onwards, and things will start to change. Because knowing and not implementing is as good as not knowing.

Five Simple Tips to conquer procrastination and get what you want- if implemented can seriously up your game. Read More »

4 Types of Decision Makers ,the best internal factors of decision making
By Shri Santosh Kumar Singh

Today I just thought of sharing an article that will help you to make better decisions in your life  ! Let’s get started !. “Every positive change in life begins with a clear unequivocal decision that you are going to either do something or stop doing something” ~ Unknown You see all the time that

4 Types of Decision Makers ,the best internal factors of decision making
By Shri Santosh Kumar Singh
Read More »


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